"Values Governance® can make the difference"


Values Governance®

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Leadership, Achievements & Accomplishments

Collective Bargaining Representation (1978 through 1983)
Strategic Planning Service (1992 to 2000)
Development of Cadre of Consultants Delivery System (1992 to the 2007)
Development of Partnerships to Fund Programs and Services (1992 to 2007)
Life Cycle of Board Member Service Curriculum (2002 to 2007)
WSSDA-Seattle Pacific University (SPU) On-line Courses (1999 to 2007)


  Projects and Articles

•   Turning the Tables on Assessment: Assessing and Evaluating School Boards and Superintendents are Vital to Meeting District Goals. (First of a Two-Part Series), Chuck Namit, District Administration, November 2008.

•   Sharpening a District’s Leadership Model: Choosing the   Right Governance Model Will Lead to Higher Student     Achievement, (Second of a Two-Part Series), Chuck Namit, District Administration, December 2008.

•   Dallas’ Failures Can Be Remedied: Sharpening a District’s Leadership Model Sidebar story, Chuck Namit, District Administration, December 2008.

•   Energizing the Engagement of the Community in Governance: The School Board’s Role in Governance is Vital to be Successful in Leading the School District, Chuck Namit and Bob Hughes; District Administration, February  2014.

•   Superintendent Evaluation Tool Box: Here Are Keys To A Successful Superintendent Evaluation, Chuck Namit, District  Administration, November 2008.

•   Solving Real-Life Problems Takes the Tedium Out of Board Member Training, Chuck Namit, American School Board Journal, v176 n3 p45-46 Mar 1989

•   The Union Has a Communication Strategy—and Your Board Should Too, Chuck Namit, American School Board Journal, v173 n10 p30-31 Cot 986

•   Prescription for Labor Pains: Combine Bargaining with Problem Solving, Chuck Namit; Larry Swift, American School Board Journal, v174 n7 -24 July 1987

•   Negotiation Notebook: Life Cycle of Labor Management Relations, Chuck Namit developed an instrument “Checking Your Negotiations Approach to Bargaining,”  Oregon School Boards Association, 1981.

•   Improving School Board Decision-Making: The Data Connection, Chuck Namit, Resource Development Team, National School Boards Foundation, January 2001.

•   Nine Characteristics of High-Performing Schools, Chuck Namit - Acknowledged for Assistance and Providing Pertinent Information and Sources, Washington Superintendent of Instruction, June 2007.

   Dispute Resolution Today: The State of the Art, Chuck Namit developed “Resolve: A Dispute Resolution Instrument” that was included in the book, Thomas R. Colosi, American Arbitration Association, 1991.